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Current Affairs 24th August 2020

Current Affairs: 2020 Current Affairs Pdf is a very important subject for all examinations. Current Affairs is the section in which candidates or all students are able to solve more and more Weekly Current Affairs questions in a short time and can bring more marks or scores in the examinations. Online Current Affairs GK Question, you do not need to do special effort to memorize the questions of the online GK quiz test, but you need to read the questions carefully. August Current Affairs Pdf 2020 provided here, It is very important for you to have the strong general knowledge to get success in UPSC, UGC, NET, WBCS, RAIL, POLICE, RPF, TET, NTPC, PSC, GROUP-D, SSC, etc.
24th August 2020 Current Affairs
- Google recently launched “The Anywhere School” for online learning.
- Tata Capital recently announced the launch of a new service called “Swift Insta Personal Loans” (SIPL) for making loans through the WhatsApp.
- Ritesh Shukla has recently been appointed as the CEO of NPCI International Payments Limited (NIPL).
- Recently the Government of West Bengal declared 1st September as “Police Day”.
- Recently Dr Jitendra Singh and Dr Ashok Vaid published a book titled “Gastric Cancer”.
- Kishor Rungta has recently been appointed as the Chairman of Fertilizer Association of India.
- Recently the Delhi government launched the “Niraman Mazdoor Registration” campaign.
- Recently Punjab University, Chandigarh MAULANA ABUL KALAM AZAD (MAKA) got TROPHY.
- Recently China successfully launched Remote Sensing Satellite “Gaofen-90 05”.
- Recently Axis Bank started the process of hiring employees under the name “Gig-a-Opportunities”.
Download: Current Affairs July 2020 Pdf
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Daily Current Affairs August 2020:
Govtjobcare Current Affairs:
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